Viewing post #2450072 by NewGardener95

You are viewing a single post made by NewGardener95 in the thread called How to manage clay based soils in terms of water?.
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Mar 8, 2021 4:54 PM CST
Montrose, CA
Hi- I have a pretty clay soil in my backyard and I've always had issues growing stuff (veggies are mainly are the only thing I usually plant). Recently found out my backyard is a largely clay soil which could be affecting why I can't grow stuff that well because when I water, it retains moisture. So....

1. Should I water less?
2. How do I know when I should water with a clay soil?
3. Are there certain veggies that don't do well in clay? I just planted tomatoes, squash and cucumbers.
4. Any other tips for clay like soils? Fertilizing? Etc?

OR, should I just resort to gardening beds instead? I'd like to give the ground another shot but I also don't want another failed year- I might try both out this year.

I'm starting to think watering less may be what I should start doing..since it's so hot in SE TX I would water frequently in bw rains, thinking that was necessary but evidently not. I met a neighbor recently who said out area is mainly clay so she just uses garden beds in stead and that's where she's found the most success

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