Viewing post #2450248 by psudan

You are viewing a single post made by psudan in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
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Mar 8, 2021 10:10 PM CST
Name: Dan
NE Ohio (Zone 6a)
Garden Photography Composter Dahlias Region: Ohio Region: Ukraine Enjoys or suffers cold winters
My SIL sent Christmas cards to two friends on 12/3. She didn't know that both had recently moved but still lived in the same city. Normally USPS just locates the new addresses. Not this time! SIL had the cards returned on 3/3, exactly 3 months later.

This past Saturday, I received one of my brother's packages. He had told me it required a signature. But when I answered the door, the FedEx driver only asked my name, as he moved his finger across his tablet (?)). Later my brother called to say he had received a delivery Email and said it was the first time he'd ever known me to misspell my own name.

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