Dan: I love Kelvin! Never bloomed last year for me, but the first year I grew dahlias this was one from a Walmart bag. It was the first to bloom and I was shocked that it's bud was the size of a golf ball. Kid1 had been helping me w the blooms and entered this one in the 4h fair and took a blue ribbon. It's a happy color for me and I hope to locate one again this year locally.
As for Christmas cards I too sent out 12/6 or so, my cousin in DC sent me a text on 1/26 - I just got it! Has lived at this address for years. Makes you wonder. Must be going by scooter and a snail.
Signatures - w covid and all have you had clerks sign your name as X on their pads so you don't touch it and leave germs? I'm like is this legit? Seems kind of sketchy to me that the card processors accept an X when they have my signature on file.
Melissa: I think your thoughts on yellow are mine to whites. Hah! I'm trying to add a few more. I'll grow the temperamental Lady Liberty again, and am adding Bride to Be, wyns ghostie, white aster, and quasi whites of: crimson snow, crazy love and citron du cap. For yellow I will do encore again as it's a gold undertone to the yellow, gloriosa, gingersnap(maybe not a yellow now that I think about it), lemon tart - and it's a wonky one blooms early and then never again. But I like the bright sassiness. Will you be growing for weddings or florists again this year? Is the boyfriend ready to help plant? Oh and my guys are John and Mark, so not your local carrier

funny what you think of when you stop and do so.