Viewing post #2450458 by ScarletTricycle

You are viewing a single post made by ScarletTricycle in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Mar 9, 2021 10:12 AM CST
NW Wisconsin (Zone 4b)
Bee Lover Butterflies Dahlias Seed Starter Winter Sowing Region: Wisconsin
Update on my scouting:

Homedepot has dahlias but the 5/$14.98 bags. They have a hot mix, a cool mix, ones of one type (A Fubaki of some sort that I recall) I think there were 4 single type bags. No single dahlias in boxes or smaller bags.

Walmart: the garden center guy said he has no clue as he doesn't get advanced warning, they come direct from supplier(?) and he usually has them by now.

Menards: no dice

Ah well, it's a beautiful day to be out and about. Now that I am home I see lots of fall leaves maybe I'll go take and put in my garbage can for the heap when I use up this last fall additions.
🌼 Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.” – John Harrigan

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