mary: look at you! Are you raising flowers for a possible celebration yet? We need good things to celebrate in 2021

I'm going to tear out more grass too, I think we'll rent a sod cutter. As the hubs says it's probably worth it no matter the price as he's the one that digs and lifts. I direct quite well.

yes look forward to your blooms.
Dan: sadly when I look at menards and have my store plugged in they still are either discontinued or out of stock.

they had pulled all their tubers/summer bulbs off-line about three weeks ago, now they are back up but still the same-o. When I went in today they still only had seed packets and camping gear in those areas and in that center aisle by them hand tools, hand sani, wipes and toy cars. I will haunt every other week as time permits. Let me know if you find any holy grail type tubers!
AM: probably just jinxed myself but I raked off my front bed and east side of the house and collected leaves for future use in my compost heap. I'm sure it will dump snow but I'm ready for spring.
I know I had heard something a few weeks ago we will probably have a st. Paddy day surprise as per usual if it's warm and beautiful we get dumped with snow or vice versa from cold to a heat up. I know our DNR is monitoring and we may be moving very quickly into a high fire season. I know last spring and fall there were some issues with burns taking off. Ugh who needs that so soon?
So yes - excited to start hearing as you warmer climes people get your boxes. I had the realization yesterday that in my planning I didn't make sure I might have some extra space just in case I would get a freebie on the smaller vendors I ordered from. Well, I guess a bridge to cross if it happens!