Viewing post #2450496 by ShawnSteve

You are viewing a single post made by ShawnSteve in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Mar 9, 2021 11:49 AM CST
Name: Shawn S.
Hampton, Virginia (Zone 8b)
Annuals Butterflies Dahlias Irises Morning Glories Orchids
Peonies Region: United States of America Zinnias
I thought I'd give Brent & Becky's a try. They aren't really all that far away, (as the old saying goes, "as the Crow flies.") Just up to the next peninsula on the map.
But driving, means going what seems to me, as "way up North," only to end up going Southbound, "Down in the Boondocks "!
They usually hold an annual Daffodil Festival. Though easy to get "Lost" up around there.

Though I did used to know the way, to get all the way to the very end of the Point, (for very fresh picked Blue crab, meat or shucked oysters, in a jar & just to keep the "Road" above sea level, they'd have to dump those oyster shells, as fill.

So, yep. Yellow 'Encore', it is. Plus I took a liking to the dark 'Nuit d'Ete' (Think I've got that spelt right !)
Totally missed out, on that 'Lindsay Michelle'. Darn it all !
Just in time, to get some of those, at least. Early April is their ship time, for my Zone.
Too bad they don't do 'delivery by drone." haha
Any truck, would do fine.

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