Viewing post #2450503 by petespetals

You are viewing a single post made by petespetals in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Mar 9, 2021 12:01 PM CST
Name: Mary
(Zone 6a)
Annuals Bee Lover Butterflies Cat Lover Composter Cut Flowers
Dahlias Region: Pennsylvania Zinnias
Lol @ScarletTricycle you crack me up! Nothing definite yet. Fingers crossed though. Maybe in 2022 lol.

I've seen dahlias at my local Wal-Mart and Lowes. They seem to be getting a lot more of a variety than several years ago when I bought the bulk of my dahlias there. I was able to resist temptation, but got a couple bleeding hearts and bags of gladiolus bulbs. Might go back if I have any holes at the end. I think I saw Penhill Watermelon.

I have a hard time with whites too. I think we all do. The bugs are so annoying. The whites I grew last year will be making a return:

Crazy Love- I've had this one since 2017- was such a good tuber producer then I lost all but one in 2019 to my flood issues, plant did ok in 2020 but only gave me a couple good tubers this year... hopefully it does better. I always see this one at Lowes and Wal-Mart if anyone wants to try it.

Bridezilla and Bride to Be- new last year seem to be decent but I did use organza bags some on them to keep the bugs away.
Then Sterling Silver and Lady Liberty- I don't recommend these haha. more bugs. more floppy blooms. but gosh they are so darn pretty, so I'm growing them again. I figured while I am young and don't have any kids I can put up with a couple high maintenance dahlias Rolling on the floor laughing

New ones I'm adding are "White Ball" so who knows what that means but I bought it from a local flower farm so I am hopeful that it does well here. Center Court- heard good things. Beaucon White- bought on accident.... looks too pretty to be true. expecting bugs haha. and then Iceberg which I actually had in 2019. Only got one bloom and it was gorgeous so hoping for nice blooms this time, but we shall see! I tried to get Blizzard, but it was sold out on the sale I was trying to get it at. Perhaps I'll find it again before planting time.

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