Viewing post #2450516 by ScarletTricycle

You are viewing a single post made by ScarletTricycle in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Mar 9, 2021 12:23 PM CST
NW Wisconsin (Zone 4b)
Bee Lover Butterflies Dahlias Seed Starter Winter Sowing Region: Wisconsin
Mary: hey I'm thinking good thoughts for you! See I'm glad you too find Lady Liberty a pain in the wazoo. But she is a pretty one.

I bought one tuber I haven't been able to find any photos on so I'm unsure what I am getting - Verkist Aristocrat.I believe it's of a red variety but what shade I do not know.

I'm glad I made you laugh.
🌼 Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.” – John Harrigan

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