Viewing post #2450532 by Rubi

You are viewing a single post made by Rubi in the thread called How to manage clay based soils in terms of water?.
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Mar 9, 2021 12:54 PM CST
West Central Minnesota (Zone 4a)
Add lots of organic matter to the soil and mulch your plants deeply. I think gypsum is a soil additive that helps loosen clay. Clay soil holds water for a long time so water deeply and not so often.

I don't know if I'd do raised beds where it's really hot. I made a raised bed for my strawberries last year so I had something on which to attach bird-netting hoops. The strawberries died on the hot, south side. It's a lot hotter in Texas than in Minnesota where I am. I honestly don't understand spending a bunch of money building raised beds and filling them with commercial potting soil.

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