Viewing post #2450654 by Melissamaeday

You are viewing a single post made by Melissamaeday in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Mar 9, 2021 4:33 PM CST
Name: Melissa
Omaha, NE (Zone 5b)
Annuals Region: Nebraska Daylilies Dahlias Cut Flowers Cat Lover
Butterflies Bee Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Photo Contest Winner 2022
I love the color chart, Mary! I glanced at my 2021 Pinterest board, and it appears that my newcomers are leaning heavily towards the pink, orange, and purple range...sunrise/sunset colors are about right.

My Menards does have dahlia tubers out on display. I wonder if it is zone related? I thought about buying Akita, or this mix that had no name other than whatever lame name the vendor came up with. Pretty sure it was Wine Eyed Jill/Double Jill, but the lack of clear labeling annoyed me. Kelvin Floodlight and Color Spectacle were there, something labeled as Penhill Dark Monarch that didn't look the least bit like it on the picture, oh and some ranunculus almost jumped in my cart, but I checked myself. I might need to invest in a jeweler's loop like Dan uses, so I can look more closely for sprouts/eyes next time. Don't really need any more tubers as it is, but a friend just posted their 'what's left' list, and I sprung for Seabeck's Hilda, Sternschnuppe (white and yellow), and an extra tuber of Hollyhill Finlandia. It is pretty early to start buying composted manure/top soil, but I always have to make multiple trips, so I filled my cart to the brim and called it good for the day. Some of the compost was still partially frozen! Green Grin!

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