Viewing post #2450932 by ScarletTricycle

You are viewing a single post made by ScarletTricycle in the thread called 2021 Dahlia Season.
Mar 10, 2021 5:57 AM CST
NW Wisconsin (Zone 4b)
Bee Lover Butterflies Dahlias Seed Starter Winter Sowing Region: Wisconsin
I think I've seen that one before or there is another site similar w the same type of naming conventions (are the names Hindi I think?) I ran into last year and thought kind of different w the names but I had seen the blooms before. Guess I need to look at Devi there - because it kind of looks like Kelvin. I'll just stick to looking for Kelvin locally.

I stand corrected I just read on their website each dahlia is given a Sanskrit name but if they know the original name they will provide it.
🌼 Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.” – John Harrigan
Last edited by ScarletTricycle Mar 10, 2021 6:25 AM Icon for preview

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