Viewing post #2536668 by plasko20

You are viewing a single post made by plasko20 in the thread called Privacy.
Jun 22, 2021 12:13 PM CST
Name: Orion
Boston, MA (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Birds Butterflies Daylilies Dragonflies Foliage Fan
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
Cameras thesedays have what are called "activity zones". The image is broken down into a grid of many squares, and you select squares to ignore if there is any movement so you are not alerted when it happens (e.g. if you have a tree that moves in the wind, or a busy street that people walk along). I bet your neighbor has already de-activated your garden as an activity zone. They would be much more annoyed than you to have a camera alert going off everytime you are in your garden. So rest assured that you are not being recorded (unless you are having a dispute and they are protecting themselves from you).
However, if you are still worried I would suggest growing a clump of 'peppermint stick grass' in front of your fence. Very fast -growing and reaches 12-feet tall. Although you have not said on your profile what zone you are in, I hope it grows in your zone. Also, you did not say whether the location is shady, sunny, part-shade, etc.
Gardening: So exciting I wet my plants!
Last edited by plasko20 Jun 22, 2021 12:25 PM Icon for preview

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