Viewing post #2558492 by kclson

You are viewing a single post made by kclson in the thread called A small container for a Terrarium.
Jul 22, 2021 1:39 PM CST
Name: Keith
Syracuse, NY (Zone 5b)
Bee Lover
This isn't much of a structure, but I had no idea what forum to place this under.
I found this nice container/decanter or whatever at a garage sale for $3.
I thought it would make a great terrarium. It's the first one I tried and it was fun to put together.
I went into the woods and picked up some things that might grow well in a wet environment terrarium. But I found a rock that ended up being too big to fit through the top.
But I didn't want to throw it out.
So I've been spraying it everyday to keep it from drying out.

I'm surprised it's doing so well. lol
Now I gotta pet rock...

Thumb of 2021-07-22/kclson/6598eb

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