Viewing post #2575223 by sooby

You are viewing a single post made by sooby in the thread called Do you fertilize your daylilies now or later in the Fall ?.
Aug 15, 2021 5:00 AM CST
Name: Sue
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Annuals Native Plants and Wildflowers Keeps Horses Dog Lover Daylilies Region: Canadian
Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Garden Sages Plant Identifier
Hazelcrestmikeb said:Fyi, it appears that Milorganite is being phased out as was discussed in another daylily forum. I used Osmocote this past spring with a few other concoction mixed in.

Not that I can get Milorganite here in Canada but are they sure it is being phased out in the USA? There has been concern expressed that it may contribute PFAS to the environment and PFAS are/were being phased out by industry, and there is apparently a shortage of Milorganite due to demand exceeding supply. Might someone have speculated based on that?

PFAS in Milorganite:

Info on PFAS:

Milorganite statement about shortage:

Milorganite statement on PFAS:
Last edited by sooby Aug 15, 2021 5:02 AM Icon for preview

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