Viewing post #2647760 by DaviJK

You are viewing a single post made by DaviJK in the thread called Reviewing 2021 seedlings.
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Jan 1, 2022 10:55 AM CST

I'm going to sound like a broken record to you by now, Dennis, as I always tell people evaluating seedlings to look at the SEPALS first!! If a seedling has horrible looking sepals, don't even look at the petals! Throw it away or you will be signing up for generations of lousy looking sepals. And with that being said, that red seedling with the quilled sepals rocks!! Not necessarily because of the quilling, but because of the cool hooks at the tips and the perfect color saturation. Quilling is something that sticks in the next generation so I would personally cross it with the biggest cascading unusual form in your playbook.

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