Viewing post #2647910 by mainer35

You are viewing a single post made by mainer35 in the thread called Reviewing 2021 seedlings.
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Jan 1, 2022 2:39 PM CST
Name: Nick Barth
Newcastle, Maine (Zone 6a)
Garden Ideas: Level 1

O'Donal's Nursery has been breeding both Diploid and Tetraploid Daylilies since 2010. All seedlings undergo a rigorous evaluation that includes
judging the complete daylily plant, the foliage of the plant, the scapes of the plant, the flowers of the plant, and any particular distinctions of the
daylily seedling. This evaluation process often takes several growing seasons. Only the very best seedlings are selected for naming and

During the 2021 growing season evaluations continued for many seedlings that have been under evaluation for sometime. Below are pictures
of six of these seedlings.

Thumb of 2022-01-01/mainer35/e6c311

Thumb of 2022-01-01/mainer35/730be5

Thumb of 2022-01-01/mainer35/6857b7

Thumb of 2022-01-01/mainer35/d7a93c

Thumb of 2022-01-01/mainer35/33fd94

Thumb of 2022-01-01/mainer35/abe147

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