Viewing post #2649042 by Dennis616

You are viewing a single post made by Dennis616 in the thread called Reviewing 2021 seedlings.
Jan 3, 2022 11:46 AM CST
Name: Dennis
SW Michigan (Zone 5b)
I've just been sharing a little bit of what I'm working on, and a little bit of how I am making evaluations. Not that I'm necessarily a great example. I'll post a bit more-- maybe a couple people are finding this helpful, or entertaining...

It's interesting to think about evaluation-- everyone can decide for themselves what their goals are, what factors/characteristics they consider, and how they go about considering them. It's all good!

I like to make uniqueness a consideration-- some make it a top priority, some don't really consider it at all, and some in-between. Like Larry said, all it takes is one characteristic to make a daylily stand out. There can be hundreds of existing daylilies that have a very similar look to a seedling, but (for example) if very few of them are bud-builders that significantly extend the bloom season, and your seedling is-- then you can consider the seedling to be unique and worthy! And so on...

I'm looking at seedlings I could potentially cross my quiller with. Here are a few that struck me as potentials:

Thumb of 2022-01-03/Dennis616/3e4269
This one seems to have a tendency to curl the sepal ends-- I feel like that might help make it a good match.

Thumb of 2022-01-03/Dennis616/1ba8d0 Thumb of 2022-01-03/Dennis616/cf3ad9
I keep wanting to select ones in the same basic color spectrum of reds. Of course that isn't necessary, I guess I just like the idea of keeping the quiller red...

Thumb of 2022-01-03/Dennis616/d74c3a
Wow I think it would be tremendously cool if I could make a red applique quiller!

I'm going to see if I can find the time to browse the named cultivars I have and look for potentials...

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