Viewing post #2657205 by odiesdad

You are viewing a single post made by odiesdad in the thread called Backyard Kon-Tiki to Make Biochar.
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Jan 16, 2022 1:09 PM CST

The idea is to make a small Kon-Tiki kiln in the backyard. Make biochar while enjoying a low-smoke fire.

1. Remove the legs, handles and lid from a used round charcoal grill.
2. Dig a hole and put the bottom of the grill in the hole.
3. Light a little fuel at the bottom.
4. Slowly add fuel Kon-Tiki style.
5. When full, quench the embers with water or smother with the lid.

That's it. Small fuels like twigs and wood chips should work.

This won't save the planet but it could be fun.

I cannot test this until the ground thaws.

(Kon-Tiki kilns are described here: https://wiki.opensourceecology...)

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