Viewing post #2701912 by gardening_idaho

You are viewing a single post made by gardening_idaho in the thread called Are rocks a problem in raised bed soil for vegetables?.
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Mar 31, 2022 3:23 PM CST

NMoasis said: Welcome!
You don't say how big the rocks are, but if they were small enough to shovel with the dirt, they won't bother most plants except root crops... they get misshapen in rocky soil.

About composting in place: that could get messy and counterproductive unless you plan to let the compost cook for about six months before planting. Spot composting in larger inground gardens can be effective, but I'm not sure about a combo compost pile/raised bed plan. Maybe I don't understand what you have in mind. Thinking

The rocks vary in size but are about pebble size to a few fist size. I was going to cover the top with some potting mix so only deep tap roots would reach the rocky soil.

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