Viewing post #2737908 by KFredenburg

You are viewing a single post made by KFredenburg in the thread called Chit Chat Thread 1.
May 20, 2022 2:19 PM CST
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
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crawgarden said: Beautiful last 3 days!
Spent Friday and Saturday in LaCosse for graduations, the weather was spectacular! We were overdressed for the graduation, wife had a nice dress on, I had a sport jacket on (was thinking about wearing a suit), kinda of disappointed with what the majority was wearing, thinking in 10 more years it will only be a thong!

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Thumb of 2022-05-15/crawgarden/21473a

Thumb of 2022-05-15/crawgarden/ada6cb

Agreed RJ. But I think it will be more like PJ's. Not everyone is comfortable in a thong 😂 Most just like to roll out of bed!
Beautiful garden! My Coleus just sprouted a really cool mushroom overnight. I am looking in our mushroom book to try and figure out what it is.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
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