Viewing post #2737939 by KFredenburg

You are viewing a single post made by KFredenburg in the thread called Chit Chat Thread 1.
May 20, 2022 3:14 PM CST
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
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Lots of weeding to do this week. We have had some good rain so now everything is growing like mad. My DH has been using a regular mower to mow over 3 acres. Well we finally got a tractor! We will have it in a few weeks. Unfortunately he will have to continue with the mower until then 😧 He said it's good exercise 😄
The rain was good for some of my plants, but some were a bit over watered. Like my strawberries. Two of them died out. I did get some berries with the plants that are left. Kids said they tasted great. But they are awfully small. Any suggestions getting them to be bigger?
Also, my lavender and rosemary are not too thrilled by the rain 😂
The morning glories are sprouting though. I have about 5 plants popping up. I just planted them a few weeks ago around the house. Wild flowers are looking good. I just hope the frost coming tonight doesn't cause problems. Does anyone know if it will affect the wild flowers?
Broccoli is happy. I have some tomato and bell pepper blooms popping up.
Ok, so I have a bunch of little plants from my seeds. Such as Cosmos, Carnations, Basil, etc. They are still in the starters. Should I now plant them in containers. Some are a little spindly and I am thinking they could use some good soil and fertilizer. What do you all think? Sorry, I'm new to seeds 😄

RJ - the drop off is getting closer! Are you going to spend any vacation time with your family before your daughter leaves?

Jeanne - I see a wonderful red barn in the distance of your pics. Is that your barn? I have always wanted a red barn 😄 As always, your garden is absolutely lovely. All your hard work definitely pays off!

Scarlet - what's the birthday theme this time? What kind of cake?
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
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