Viewing post #2829588 by Arico

You are viewing a single post made by Arico in the thread called Mold/Fungus in soil..
Oct 30, 2022 3:20 PM CST
Name: Lee-Roy
Bilzen, Belgium (Zone 8a)
Region: Belgium Composter Region: Europe Ferns Hostas Irises
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Does look like fungus indeed. There's more than likely no reason to worry about. The majority of fungi growing in/on soil are detrivores (they consume dead/dying organic matter) and pose no threat to your plants unless they are known to act as opportunistic parasites when the chance occurs (aka your plants are already dying/stressed). If your soil and thus your plants are healthy that chance is small.

Don't do anything and let nature take its course. They recycle nutrients and make them available for other life so play a major role in ecosystems.

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