Viewing post #2865786 by cwhitt

You are viewing a single post made by cwhitt in the thread called Bio Char ?.
Jan 24, 2023 10:24 AM CST
Name: Christie
Central Ohio 43016 (Zone 6a)
Plays on the water.
Amaryllis Permaculture Sempervivums Roses Bookworm Annuals
Composter Hybridizer Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
I use bio char - but I take the charcoal from my fireplace. My son also gives me the charcoal from his HEPA air filter. When you make it, it is often done slowly and does not create too much bad stuff.
Plant Dreams. Pull Weeds. Grow A Happy Life.
Last edited by cwhitt Jan 24, 2023 10:25 AM Icon for preview

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