Viewing post #2906672 by stone

You are viewing a single post made by stone in the thread called I have a question about house manure that's been in a barn for 20+ years.
Apr 4, 2023 5:25 AM CST
Name: stone
near Macon Georgia (USA) (Zone 8a)
Garden Sages Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Plant Identifier
I've used horse poop around all my plantings... I haven't seen any problems.

On the other hand... I've seen people kill stuff with those chemical fertilizers...

And, the poultry manure from the commercial broiler houses can be deadly when used as a soil conditioner... but used extremely lightly? No probs...

Horse poop is ideal as a soil conditioner... there just isn't enough nitrogen in the stable scrapings around here to bother anything...

Although... using stuff that has too much wood shavings in it... is a whole nother art form...
It isn't that it has nitrogen in it... the potential problem is that those wood shavings pull nitrogen away from the plants!

So... I use that as mulch... in a couple years or whatever, it can be tilled in if desired.

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