Viewing post #2906797 by Meandmyroses

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Apr 4, 2023 9:06 AM CST

Seedfork said: Anyone have actual experience with horse manure around Azaleas and Rhododendrons? I don't have access to any horse manure, don't remember ever even fertilizing my azaleas. It just seemed odd that even a light use of manure would be harmful to those plants. I did a search and found several sites that did advise limited use of horse manure around many sensitive plants, but Azaleas and Rhododendrons were not even on those lists that I saw.

I read about not using stable manure, from a library book on rhododendron's, some forty years ago. " no internet for me in those days"
So I have not used it personally, I took advice, so why would I?…
So the best off luck to anyone who want's to give it a go..

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