Viewing post #2908031 by Meandmyroses

You are viewing a single post made by Meandmyroses in the thread called I have a question about house manure that's been in a barn for 20+ years.
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Apr 6, 2023 10:52 AM CST

When I purchased this property on a new build housing site.
There was no earth, the builders had used what was to be my garden area for the dumpster track, from one part of the site to another.
So, what I got was compacted builders rubble.
That was fifty years ago.
I brought in top soil and over the years tried to improve to the best of my ability the basis for a decent garden.
The out buildings are all made from scratch by myself, each and every brick was cut and laid myself, we all like a nice spot to sit out in the summer months, do we not…
There have been many challenges with regard to the consistency of what I have garden with,
However I gained more than I lost over the years, I kept at it because I
Really did enjoy it. "Still do".
The challenge now is to introduce Acers to fill in the space above the azaleas etc, this is underway at the moment, and I am pleased with how
it's going.
God loves a trier.
Thank you Tiffany for the acorn.
Last edited by Meandmyroses Apr 6, 2023 10:55 AM Icon for preview

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