Viewing post #2922230 by Arico

You are viewing a single post made by Arico in the thread called Horrible Soil, Need Help!.
Apr 30, 2023 5:44 PM CST
Name: Lee-Roy
Bilzen, Belgium (Zone 8a)
Region: Belgium Composter Region: Europe Ferns Hostas Irises
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Get your soil tested by a professional lab and go from there. Don't just go throwing down fertillizers here and there. (Organic mulches are always good in the interim)

Nitrogen is often NOT tested because it fluctuates so much. In any case it's also easy to apply with ordinary/free products (grass clippings for example...)

Do any plants that you have growing SHOW deficienciesor stunted growth? If not, I wouldn't worry too much.

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