Viewing post #2948741 by cwhitt

You are viewing a single post made by cwhitt in the thread called Help with starting a new compost in an old neglected space.
Jun 12, 2023 1:18 PM CST
Name: Christie
Central Ohio 43016 (Zone 6a)
Plays on the water.
Amaryllis Permaculture Sempervivums Roses Bookworm Annuals
Composter Hybridizer Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
If you have a company remove the foxes, they will probably euthanize them, and I think that would be a shame. I would either leave the area alone, or go ahead and toss your yard waste on the top, preferably when the foxes are out hunting (dawn & dusk mostly). I would make some noise approaching, to alert the foxes and give them time to vacate their den before you actually get there. I don't think the foxes will stay there forever.
Plant Dreams. Pull Weeds. Grow A Happy Life.

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