Viewing post #2987552 by joannakat

You are viewing a single post made by joannakat in the thread called Quick question: what is the best food / fertilizer to promote flowering?.
Aug 20, 2023 10:13 AM CST
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magnolialover said: Hi joannakat,

a 10-10-10 might be a little too strong for peonies. The recommendation is typically to fertilize with a tulip/daffodil bulb fertilizer in the Fall. It is best to fertilize first so you can see where the eyes/roots are, then cut down the stems. You would want to apply the granular fertilizer around the stems.
I use Espoma Organic Bulbtone which is a 3-5-3 NPK nutrient.
Welcome and hope this is helpful.

Thank you so much Tracey. Any recommendations about where to purchase?
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.

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