Viewing post #302767 by mnorberry

You are viewing a single post made by mnorberry in the thread called Lankon.
Aug 25, 2012 11:05 AM CST
Name: Michael Norberry
Arcata, CA Zone 9 or 17 suns (Zone 9a)
Region: California Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dog Lover Ponds Seed Starter
I just use whatever potting soil is on sale (Mostly ACE). It has no fertilizer in the mix, I add some bonemeal at time of potting, and add more pertile for good drainage. Water twice a week, and I will again after it blooms give it more fertilizer 10-10-10 (balance or more bonemeal). I live in the city so the animals normally do not dig up the plants because of the bonemeal.

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