Viewing post #3064555 by RickM

You are viewing a single post made by RickM in the thread called Lidl Buys.
Feb 16, 2024 5:54 PM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
So I stop at Lidl after work for rice pudding and biscuits. $160 later, I'm headed for the car. They are starting to put out their spring bulbs at $2 a bag... Calla lilies 2 for 2, Hymenocallis Sulphur Queen 2 for 2, Freesia 20 for 2. I'm pretty sure you get the idea. Whistling

Yeah, so I thought that was too good to be true. I was thinking about it last night and it just didn't add up. I pulled out the receipt and actually looked at it. Most of what I thought was $1.99 was actually $3.99. Still, callas for $2 isn't bad. Same with the Hymenocallis Sulphur Queen. Online, they start at $4 each and go up to $9 plus.
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.
Last edited by RickM Mar 13, 2024 4:58 AM Icon for preview

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