Viewing post #3109218 by mcgeeoj

You are viewing a single post made by mcgeeoj in the thread called 5-1-1 Potting Mix.
May 21, 2024 2:54 PM CST
Name: OJ
North Carolina (Zone 8b)
Hello Al et. al.,

I have read this this thread as comprehensively as I can, but perhaps have missed a few points. My question for Al is related to the 5-1-1 as it relates to semi-dwarf citrus. I have an improved Meyer lemon that is doing well and has for some time in a 5-1-1 I made in Salt Lake City some years ago, at Al's recommendations. I have five more coming now and need to prepare for these, but lost and/or don't have access to the same products here now that I have moved back to the greatest state in the Union, North Carolina. I am going to ask a series of bulleted questions below in the hopes you can help clarify a few issues or misunderstandings I have. Any help you could give would be immensely appreciated.

1.) With respect to the pine bark, Al, I am confused on whether one wants fines in there or not? I have Daddy Pete's Soil Enhancement (image below) here which have smaller chunks, but lots of fines. My plan was to screen out the majority of fines under 3/8" and discard. OR do I want everything, including fines, under 3/8"? Assuming fines means the dust or dirt.

2.) Fertilizer, I've been using 20/20/20 every other watering with the lemon. Since the 5-1-1 does not retain much water, I generally fertilize in this manner all year round. Can one use the DynaPro for semi-dwarf citrus as well on a constant basis? I'm looking for consistency here. Fertilize as above or you recommend at varying times throughout the year.

3.) Perlite - You recommend course perlite or whatever you can find? I've seen Fox Farm have some chunky perlite and I've seen plant stores have really inconsistent size with almost dust in the bottom.

4.) Peat - Is Peat an absolute necessity or can one use a Cactus / Palm soil in its place?

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