Viewing post #3110847 by pone31

You are viewing a single post made by pone31 in the thread called 5-1-1 Potting Mix.
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May 24, 2024 1:54 PM CST
San Jose, CA Zone 9b (Zone 9b)
mcgeeoj said: Thanks again @pone31 . Headed to look at pine bark now and get supplies. One last question, and I'll post a picture of my mix when done to see what you think, is about the lime. Sounds like for reactive time it should be wet when mixed, add lime, and then wait. Do we continue to water the mix over the two weeks or no? Any advice on this and the fertilizer with Foliage Pro that @tapla recommended? As it applies to citrus, use this all year round in the same increments since the soil will retain very little nutrients?

I don't have much insight on Garden Lime. I have moved to buying a bark mix that is both nitrolized as well as pH-neutralized, so that I don't have to hassle with this.

@tapla is the fertilizer expert, but I think it might matter whether you are trying to encourage leaf growth or fruiting. If you have a sterile potting medium, Dyna-Pro is a great fertilizer that will encourage good overall growth. If you want to encourage plant health and fruiting more than leaf growth, I might come down on the nitrogen and get an NPK that is more like what "flowering" fertilizers use. If @tapla ever returns to this thread, what does he think would be the adverse consequences of using an NPK ratio more like 3-4-5 on a potted citrus? Dyna-Pro uses the 3-1-2 ratio (at higher concentration of 9-3-6) that stresses nitrogen for leaf growth.
Last edited by pone31 May 24, 2024 5:47 PM Icon for preview

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