Viewing post #3127632 by DaisyDo

You are viewing a single post made by DaisyDo in the thread called A Preview of the PINK future.
Jun 22, 2024 7:16 AM CST
Name: Daisy
close to Baltimore, MD (Zone 7a)
Amaryllis Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: Maryland Peonies Organic Gardener Irises
Herbs Hellebores Growing under artificial light Container Gardener Cat Lover Garden Photography
Kate, GuiseppeJ (Joe) is one of our nation's most famous iris hybrdizers. He is probably more instrumental in developing the pinks and bubble-ruffled form than anyone else. We are very fortunate to have him contributing to our forum.
-"If I can’t drain a swamp, I’ll go pull some weeds." - Charles Williams

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