I went to see mt new doctor a few days ago. Impression: A GAZILLION STARS!
When I walked in to the office, the front desk was welcoming, competent and efficient. After checking in, they ask me to have a seat.
About 5 minutes later, the Medical Assistant called me back. She did the usual height/weight/BP stuff. Then, she reviewed all of the information I had provided in the on-line registration. As she was leaving, she said that I would like the doctor.
She wasn't wrong.
There was a light knock on the door, and then this young guy about 6'6" came in. After introducing himself, we got down to business. We again reviewed the information I provided earlier. Each item was followed by him wanting to know more to fill in the blanks. We reviewed my medications, and he sent off the refill script to the pharmacy.
I had stated when I made the appointment, that it was strictly for the med refills and that I wold make a follow up appointment for a physical. After sending the prescriptions to the pharmacy, he gave me a lab slip to have all of the lab work done prior to my next visit.
Then came the biggest surprise. He schedule my follow up appointment HIMSELF. There was no 'stop at the front desk', 'call in a few weeks', 'go to the web site', etc. He pulled up his schedule, stating that he didn't work on Fridays. He scrolled over to September and gave me my options. Since I would have had my lab work done already, I told him that I didn't need an appointment early in the day. He got me set up, thanked me again for coming in and said he would see me in September.
I am not exaggerating when I say that this was the best experience I have had at a doctors office in more than 20 years.
Oh, the name of this phenomenal doctor?
Jason Lowery, M.D.
First Medical Associates
Germantown, MD