Viewing post #3148075 by RickM

You are viewing a single post made by RickM in the thread called What's up Doc?.
Jul 30, 2024 2:47 PM CST
Name: Rick Moses
Derwood, MD (Zone 7b)
Azaleas Hostas Tender Perennials Ferns Garden Photography Plant and/or Seed Trader
Forum moderator Region: United States of America Region: Mid-Atlantic Region: Maryland Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
I had my follow up today. After less than 24 hours, I'm seeing

Right eye (OD): Distance, 20/15

Left eye (OS): Near, 20/20

As the eyes heal over the next month or so, those numbers may well improve.
LLK: No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.
Pal tiem shree tal ma.

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