Is it just me, or are the bedstraw (Galium aparine) or cleavers, and spider mite levels this year over the top? I see spider mite damage on wild plants, as well as more than usual on the garden ones. The bedstraw came up in every planting bed, as well as on the edges of the forest far from human influence. I don't remember it doing that previously. I remember it only being in one specific area that had been forest that I am trying to make part of the garden. (And no, I did not track it there, lol, these were areas I had not been to for a long time).
I don't think I was just not paying attention, I think both are more prevalent this year. Is it just me? Or just here? It was a relatively warm winter with a lot of rain. Perhaps it didn't get cold enough long enough to put a dent in them.