Viewing post #3172705 by bhiejr

You are viewing a single post made by bhiejr in the thread called My New Pothos!!!.
Sep 24, 2024 1:16 PM CST
Name: Barrie
Rome, GA (Zone 8a)
Bee Lover Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Enjoys or suffers hot summers Seed Starter Peppers
Organic Gardener Herbs Region: Georgia Frugal Gardener Dog Lover Composter
purpleinopp said: I love that little shelf! What a perfect spot for a plant. : ) Your original post is at the top, just scroll up. ...but if it's different on a phone, I have no idea.

Tiffany, that little shelf is a $0.50 salad plate from the Salvation Army! It's textured on the bottom so the JB Weld has a really *good* grip. Thumbs up

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Thumb of 2024-09-24/bhiejr/46887a
God's watching.

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