Viewing post #3192934 by chelseanolse

You are viewing a single post made by chelseanolse in the thread called Christmas cactus.
Nov 19, 2024 9:39 AM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening
Perekonnanimiz said: Hey hey, so I have this cactus and I noticed that it's blooming yellow this year. Last year it was dark pink. I've never heard or seen something like this. Is it normal for the colour to change or is something wrong with it? Thanks!

Thumb of 2024-11-15/Perekonnanimiz/b498ee

interesting! I am no expert; but I do know that many plants that turn red or pink do so more dramatically when they are exposed to more light; did you perhaps move the plant into a place where it sees more sun?

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