Viewing post #3192951 by Intheswamp

You are viewing a single post made by Intheswamp in the thread called Difference in Bt sprays???.
Nov 19, 2024 10:36 AM CST
Name: Ed
South Alabama (Zone 8b)
Garden Procrastinator Region: United States of America Region: Alabama Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tomato Heads Vegetable Grower
Solar Power Bee Lover Birds Seed Starter Butterflies Container Gardener
I just looked on the Fertilome website and didn't see the 15-percent version of their Bt. The University of Florida states that the liquid concentrate loses effectiveness in 2-3 years. Shrug! I'm thinking I'll bite the bullet and buy some of the 98% stuff, or maybe buy a powder version that will store longer. Thumbs up

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