Viewing post #3195652 by mantisOH

You are viewing a single post made by mantisOH in the thread called APS Bulletin.
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Nov 28, 2024 5:26 PM CST
Athens, Ohio (Zone 6a)
In the American Peony Society group on Facebook, someone referred to a recent APS Bulletin that warned against certain cultivars. The author discussed only a couple, saying that the Bulletin's info shouldn't be disclosed. Well, it's all a matter of opinion, since many comments disputed the dissed cultivars. Growing conditions in a cool, damp climate seemed to be the basis for the poster's experiences. Here is one quote from the post: "they warn against Lemon Chiffon for example as it has a poor growing habit. I've only recently added that one to my collection and it seems their opinion is in accordance with mine. The same can be said here about Pastelegance. It shows the same poor growing habit and except for the colour and flower shape I find little to recommend it." It is true that Lemon Chiffon has a bud whose petals are exposed for some time, encouraging discoloration. However, that has not been a big issue here (though I have seen the discoloration on some flowers). More of an issue in a cooler climate, I suspect. Granted too that Lemon Chiffon could stand some inches in height. The poster would not name other dissed cultivars, other than Coral Charm.

I wonder if someone else has read the APS Bulletin article and is willing to relate more information.
Last edited by mantisOH Nov 28, 2024 7:14 PM Icon for preview

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