No, I am not being vehement or unwieldy in my stance of Pro Neem Oil. I just get tired of hearing people who try it, miss apply it and claim it is no good.
And of course, that is not you. But I am not claiming that Neem is a miracle cure for anything. But when the directions are followed, it works well for me.
It worked well for me early on in Florida so I kept using it. And I still use it.
And I like stubborn better then vehement. 😝😛
In all of my years of growing I would love to be able to say that my collection was so clean, so well grown that I never needed to spray for insects. But that just does not happen.
I have never been comfortable using chemicals around me, or my kids, or my pets. Spraying something where recommendations call for a protective suit, made me want to avoid them at all cost. Neem seemed to give me protection and control.
So for years it has been Neem, alcohol in water and not much else.
I don't know what else to say. It boils down to an individual solution or choice I suppose. But I also look at results. My first 3 years here in Michigan, under lights, were a nightmare with a brand new environment and rampant insect populations. Neem was trotted out again. It helped to beat them beasties back. And three years later, 6 years out, it is better still. My only real issue now is mealybugs that find the center of growths in Slipper orchids. But now, as soon as I find them in there, deep down, I use a squirt or two of Bayer's 3 in 1 and it cleans them up.