Viewing post #3198310 by Gina1960

You are viewing a single post made by Gina1960 in the thread called Triple Action Neem Oil in an Ortho Dial n Spray.
Dec 9, 2024 6:18 AM CST
Name: Gina
Florida (Zone 9a)
Tropical plant collector 40 years
Aroids Region: Florida Greenhouse Tropicals
I don't use Neem Oil because it has proven detrimental to my plants. It adversely affects he cuticle of the leaf, coats the leaf in an oily mess which, if it gets too much sunlight falling directly on it, can scorch leaves, and ultimately builds up on the leaf and black fungus will actually start growing in the residue. YOu have to constantly agitate the sprayer to keep it 'mixed up', and if you leave it in a sprayer for a couple days, the sprayer clogs and becomes unusable. I also found it really did not control my pest problems. SO I quite using it about 10 years ago.
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