Viewing post #3203067 by kousa

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Dec 28, 2024 4:21 PM CST
Name: Karen
Southeast PA (Zone 6b)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
So I was able to read the article above when I received my APS Bulletin . There was a few peonies that the authors pointed out as "bad" that I do not grow. Three on the list that I do grow are Lemon Chiffon, Salmon Dream, and Festiva Maxima. The author pointed out that Lemon Chiffon has a scraggly plant habit and blackened rotten stamens. A better substitute would be Vanilla Schnapps, he said. Yes, Lemon Chiffon does have its shortcomings but at least, the 2 bushes that I have in my garden reliably and consistently bloom nice flowers for me. VS maybe a good substitute in Wisconsin but it is an extremely disappointed peony for my garden. The buds are very vulnerable to late freezes and often get zapped and aborted. For the last 7 years, I have been able to see only a couple of blooms each year from this peony. And the blooms were never full or perfect. With regard to Salmon Dream, the author did not specify the peony's shortcomings. Though I can guess what they are. In my garden, the flowers of Salmon Dream often exhibited blackened and rotten stamens. It is also slow to increase. The author recommended Dreamtime which is Salmon Dream's offspring as a better and more vigorous substitute. I don't grow Dreamtime. Can anyone who grows it attest to this? As for Festiva Maxima, its stems are floppy and it is not the best white. I do enjoy its flowers and like to grow it for its historic quality and reputation for being the oldest flower still in commercial market.
Last edited by kousa Dec 28, 2024 10:00 PM Icon for preview

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