Viewing post #3205130 by kousa

You are viewing a single post made by kousa in the thread called APS Bulletin.
Jan 4, 2025 10:12 AM CST
Name: Karen
Southeast PA (Zone 6b)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
rosebudestates said: I didn't feel that the intent of the article was to call out the "10 worst" peonies. It was more that people often gravitate to the same few popular cultivars without regard to their failings. They didn't explicitly say it, but this could result in a disappointed gardener if only a handful of peonies were grown. Of course this doesn't apply to anyone on this board, anyway.
It was a bit tongue in cheek - I believe they also commented that trying to plant every cultivar from a given hybridizer, even the not very successful ones, was not wise. Given that the APS President is doing just that, I suspect a bit of leg-pulling.

Totally agree! I really enjoy the article and the flippant tone of the dialog. I am glad that they did this because it makes it less intimidating to criticize a peony's bad traits whereas before it seems to be such a taboo subject. I think what we can take away from this article is that some peonies do not perform the same for everyone's gardens. One's duds can be spectacular in another's gardens and vice versa.
Last edited by kousa Jan 4, 2025 10:20 AM Icon for preview

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