Viewing post #340583 by wcgypsy

You are viewing a single post made by wcgypsy in the thread called Are there seeds for scented geraniums/ scented pelargoniums?.
Dec 31, 2012 10:39 AM CST
Name: Sherry
Northern California
Sunset Zone 17
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Pacific Northwest Seed Starter Region: California Plant Identifier
I believe I've already given all my seeds, but I will see if I can find any. We'll be moving and I've packed away a lot of things, including seeds. i get seeds from Apple Scented, Coconut Scented, Oak Leaf....
These are seedlings of Oak Leaf. There was a large shrub of it here, about 7-8 ft tall that I removed to paint the house. I knew it would come up here again...
Thumb of 2012-12-31/wcgypsy/a428e3

These are seedlings of Coconut Scented....
Thumb of 2012-12-31/wcgypsy/a4ee92
Thumb of 2012-12-31/wcgypsy/54958a
I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
Last edited by wcgypsy Dec 31, 2012 10:48 AM Icon for preview

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