Viewing post #342885 by soilsandup

You are viewing a single post made by soilsandup in the thread called New peony year.
Jan 6, 2013 10:33 PM CST
Name: Dianne
Sacramento, CA, zone 9b
Bulbs Region: California Cut Flowers Peonies Plant and/or Seed Trader Vegetable Grower
We got our first frost here late December. Just after the New Year, we got 3 days of 28 degrees - which is unusually cold for us. But, as I have lots of peonies in the ground, I am thrilled whenever we get frost warnings. However, my poor brugmansias are looking sad. Was finally taking out the last of the tomatoes and ended up stepping on one of my poor peonies - did not notice the pips poking out of the ground. I placed a few branches around it to mark that spot to remind me to watch my step.

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