Viewing post #348095 by TexasPlumeria87

You are viewing a single post made by TexasPlumeria87 in the thread called Herb Garden Questions.
Jan 20, 2013 6:24 PM CST
Name: Cameron Allen
Plano, TX (Zone 8a)
Amaryllis Hummingbirder Irises Native Plants and Wildflowers Orchids Plumerias
Salvias Enjoys or suffers hot summers Tender Perennials Region: Texas Tropicals Winter Sowing
Thanks Pod and Sandi. I would love to have perennial herbs though annual herbs would be fine too as long as they can tolerate heat. I also want to use them for both ornamental and cooking use. I love the smell of lavender. I have 'Provence' but it died. Are there other types that can tolerate the humidity? I would definitely be able to water them in extreme conditions if I had to. The flowerbed is probably 3-4' long so its a small area. I have some dill seeds. Is it too late to sow them? Thank again Smiling
Last edited by TexasPlumeria87 Jan 20, 2013 6:33 PM Icon for preview

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