Viewing post #370100 by abhege

You are viewing a single post made by abhege in the thread called New Semp maybe not cold hardy for MI.
Mar 8, 2013 10:21 PM CST
Name: Arlene
Grantville, GA (Zone 8a)
Greenhouse Region: Georgia Garden Sages Organic Gardener Beekeeper Vegetable Grower
Seed Starter Cut Flowers Composter Keeper of Poultry Keeps Goats Avid Green Pages Reviewer
I confess, I was watching this forum to watch my daughter's posts because she had quit emailing me, she is too busy on this site...but you guys chatter so much I cannot keep up with your posts! You have to be, hands down, the most ACTIVE forum on this site! Thumbs up Hilarious! Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing

So far I haven't succumbed to the addiction of semps. I cannot afford to, I have way too many others! Rolling on the floor laughing

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