Viewing post #383915 by admmad

You are viewing a single post made by admmad in the thread called Cats and Daylilies - survey results.
Apr 3, 2013 1:54 PM CST
Name: Maurice
Grey Highlands, Ontario (Zone 5a)
Anne said:Is the full text for the retrospective study available anywhere online for free?

Not that I know of. You may be able to request a copy through InterLibrary Loans through your local public library. I do not know what the cost of a photocopy would be.

The full information for requesting a photocopy is:

Title: A Retrospective Study of Daylily Toxicosis in Cats

Authors: RM Hadley, JA Richardson, and SM Gwaltney-Brant

Journal: Vet. Human Toxicol. Volume 45 Issue 1 pages 38-39, 2003

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